Reclaim your time and run your business like a BOSS in a matter of days, not months.


The best thing is you get to choose how to spend the time you save!

I need this!

And even if you generally know how you want Dubsado to work for you, you don't have the time or brain space to get it done.

Now you're worried that you're only one bad experience away from a one-star review.

Or maybe you forgot to put a session on your calendar and almost missed it. (Scared as shit!)

You tried creating an automated workflow, but it sent the wrong details to your clients. (So many apology emails!)

Your business is growing (yay!) but because you don't have things automated, things are falling through the cracks.

I know you would rather spend more time with clients you love... but instead you waste hours chasing down leads and sending all the emails

Let's be honest, you know you didn’t become a business owner to be stuck on the computer all day instead of photographing clients or spending more time with your own family! 


Maybe you thought you would try and save some money by YouTubing your own Dubsado setup?

but you spent all that time running around in circles trying to piece it all together without a plan

You've lost leads (and money) because the system that was suppose to save you time sits unfinished.

You still send everything manually because you don't trust the workflows you pieced together

For every feature you figured out, two more got added to the list

I've spent years learning all things Dubsado  so you don't have to!

But here's the thing, you've got me. 

hang out with your family

Book a spa day

take a vacation

Binge netflix in your PJs

Once you automate your business in Dubsado this will free up time to...

You could also totally spend that extra time growing your business!

Kristyn Miller, Photographer + Educator

"She quickly identified places where we were spending too much manual time and she made it easy for us to see places where we could elevate the experience even more so with automations that had a personalized aspect to them."

I started my photography business in 2012, offering in-home family + newborn photography sessions.  

A BIG part of building your dream business is having systems that work for you, so I spent a lot of time learning the ins and outs of CRMs to make my backend more streamlined. 

It was like having my very own virtual assistant at $40/month instead of $40/hour.  

But just because I am obsessed and spend my days thinking about automations, doesn't mean you have to. 

When I am not photographing my amazing clients or building out a Dubsado account on a VIP Day, you can usually find me at the pool or Disneyland 🤩


Hey, I'm Colie. I believe everyone deserves to run the business of their dreams and I think Dubsado is the answer. 

Meet your Dubsado-guru

Seven years ago I pulled the trigger on my first CRM and it was a game-changer.  Two years later I discovered and went all-in with Dubsado. Now I help other creatives implement Dubsado in their own businesses.

Turning my computer off each day at 3pm when I pick my kid up from school, no more responding to clients into the wee hours of the morning.

Surprising her with a trip to Disneyland, without worrying about my business while I ride Dumbo.

Answering leads with a few clicks and the help of my canned emails/pre-written proposals saves so much time and stress.

Booking a new client in less than 5 minutes after our phone consultation. Best dopamine hit is the sound of my phone alerting me to a Square payment.

I am a confessed recovering workaholic. With Dubsado I said goodbye to the stress and hello to ...

Are you finally ready to hand your Dubsado account off to a professional and eliminate the chance of a another bad client experience?  

(no more dropping the ball on client communications in your future)

While you relax and perhaps have a spa day, I will get to work implementing the system we mapped out during your Strategy session. By the end of the week, your updated assets and automated workflows for your main offer ready for review inside your Dubsado account.


We will start the day on a 3-4 hour call together. We take a deep dive into your current systems before mapping out your brand new assets + Dubsado automated workflows. Scared of automation? Don't worry, the 'approve' button can be your new very best friend!

Strategy + Audit Day


How it works

Implementation Week

Booking your VIP Setup service begins with a free 15-minute consultation call.  This allows me to learn about your business and make sure my VIP Experience is the best fit for the services you require. While most clients will benefit most from the complete VIP Experience, please schedule a call to discuss my Dubsado in a Day offer for implementing one single service if that applies to your business.

Day 1

Days 2-7

Once you have completed the booking process, you will be given access to your client portal and your pre-setup forms. You should anticipate spending 2-5 hours completing these forms.



Before Your Strategy + Audit VIP Day

Service: Dubsado VIP Day

About the Client

Katelyn Dekle is a kick-ass web designer who creates personality-infused websites for other business owners. She had been using Dubsado for 5+ years but her system needed a refresh so that her current customer experience was streamlined for herself and her clients. 

“It would send out an email at the wrong time, or to the wrong person, or an invoice reminder for someone who hasn't even signed the contract yet.

I had a client reach out to me for a discovery call for a massive project. Unfortunately, she slipped through the cracks, so I was two weeks late responding to her inquiry. In the automated email it says that I will respond in one to three days and so I felt severely like I had dropped the ball. Luckily, she didn't care. We got to work together, the project turned out fine, but I was like, ‘I cannot let that happen. This is not a high-end experience.'

That was kind of the trigger for me like, 'I've got to get my crap together.'

Current Dubsado user: 5+ Years

The Challenge

Service: Dubsado VIP Day

Current Dubsado user: 5+ Years

What Colie Did...

I really flexed my systems muscles with Katelyn’s project because instead of eliminating outside softwares, we developed a set of workflow triggers and reminders to help her automate + navigate between them. (Dubsado, Quickbooks, Calendly, ClickUp)

We also: 
  • Updated her emails to give them a pop of personality with GIFSs and added some more touch points to help clients use their client portal and remit payment for services.
  • Improved her proposal process to bridge the gap between customizing the offer, client acceptance of the offer, signing a contract, and remitting payment inside Quickbooks.
  • Created new client guides with extensive how-to videos to help her clients during their design process and after.

“I didn't know how much I could actually do successfully in an automation. Now she's got it all set up where it tells me what to do so I literally don't have to think about it.

She has the support window automated, so my clients know when it starts, know when it's ending, and there's actually an email that says, ‘Okay, we're done now.’ So there's a fine line in the sand where anywhere happening after that is a whole different project. I think the overall experience for my clients is going to be a lot better."

What happened next...

  • Katelyn landed a $6k project immediately after putting the system in place.
  • This project moved her closer to creating systems and SOPs in preparation for bringing on a VA so she can scale her business without increasing her workload. 
  • She feels more confident using her client systems so that nothing will be forgotten. Plus, moving her clients between her favorite applications is more streamlined. 
  • Her Dubsado is now amazeballs!

“Miracle worker! Colie was able to do in eight hours what I couldn't do in five years.”

Service: Dubsado VIP Day

Current Dubsado user: 5+ Years

what katelyn said


“[Colie is] like a little magical fairy in my account that's fixing all the things.”

Basic Dubsado Settings. We will make sure your account is 100% ready to send emails, sync with your external calendar, and accept payments for services immediately.

Canned Email Templates. We will develop a set of email templates for your entire process. Whether you provide your current emails or we use my collection of templates, specifically written for photographers, you will covered!

Proposals.  We will create a proposal that sells your services and gets the easy YES from your leads. Did I mention it will be an automated 3-step process to select the offer, sign the contract, and get you paid in less than 5 minutes?

Workflows. We will start by mapping out your process for inquiries, booking, and preparing your clients for their session. You will be in complete control over what is done automatically and what will require approval.

Schedulers. Do you schedule a phone consultation for leads? Do you want to allow clients to self-schedule their session day/time? This is all possible with Dubsado's internal scheduler!

Questionnaires. We will create client questionnaires for any steps in your process where you collect client information. This is the key to preparing yourself and your clients for their photo experience.

The Dubsado MAGIC I will create for you...

You've convinced me!

Once you get comfortable you may want to adjust your systems.  You will have access to a bank of short videos helping you make the most common adjustments to your workflows.

Video Library

For 30 days you get ME as your very own Dubsado Certified Specialist.  When you use the system on your first new clients, reach out with any questions!

30 Days of Loom + Email Support

You will feel confident using your updated Dubsado account after watching a walkthrough of your workflows and how to service your first lead.

Video Walkthrough

Got questions? We will spend an hour doing a LIVE walkthrough as you watch me work in your account and ask any and all questions you have.

1 Hour Offboarding Call

Here's how I support you while you explore your newly automated Dubsado account...

Here's how you'll get a system you are finally confident in using !!!

Your Dubsado VIP Strategy Day will start with a 3-4 hour strategy call where we will audit all of your current systems/assets together and then being mapping out your dream workflows that will automate tasks and give your clients a consistently AWESOME experience.

I finish up Day 1 to create a complete list of the assets I will update/create during your Dubsado Implementation Day.


For your implementation, I will begin with your basic Dubsado account settings before creating every single asset on your setup checklist saving you hours of time.

Your canned emails + forms will be created with the perfect balance of design and voice so you get the easy YES!


This is where the magic begins. Each workflow will be created with as much automation as you will allow. Don't worry, we can use an approve button if you want to see anything before I client gets it!

Once your workflows are completed & tested, you will never have to worry about the wrong email being sent again!


Lara Agnew, Photographer

Colie, you are an absolute pleasure to work with. Hiring you was one of THE best decisions I made. Having you to answer questions or help my brain reorient to a new way of doing things was invaluable. It can be hard to re-train the brain on a new system. With your help, I was able to get over some barriers quicker than if I had done this on my own."

"Not only did you help move along a project I've been kicking down the road for the last three years but working with you ensured that I did my part of the process in a timely fashion.

Alison Amick, photographer

I was still in 17hats for my sister company because I just didn't have the time to bring my sister company over to Dubsado as well. Insert fairy godmother Colie with her magic wand to set everything up while I had time to work on family photos and onboard more clients.

"I'll be the first to admit that I am a full-on hot mess express, probably the least organized person on the planet. I would NOT be able to run a successful photography business without Dubsado as my CRM. And the fact that it's pretty is just the cherry on top.

Kendra Greenberg, photographer

"What you offer is more that just Dubsado setup. It's like a business workflow refresh in general.

With your attention to detail, thoughtful solutions to problems, and deep-dive approach, you thought of things I didn't know I needed.

Colie, you're the best!"

meg messina, Photographer

Colie did an extensive amount of setup work and was available after not only to show me how to navigate the new system but also to answer each question that came up as I began to use it. I’ve run my photography business for 12 years and working with Colie was one of the best experiences I’ve had."

"I know the year is only halfway over, but I can safely say that having Colie set up my Dubsado was the best business decision of the year.

Alice thigpen, Photographer

Before she set up my system, Colie made sure she understood all the relevant aspects of my business so that she could customize my system. She went the extra mile to make sure my CRM was on brand. After the system was in place, Colie promptly answered all of my questions in ways that were easy to understand and implement."

"My bookings have increased significantly since using Dubsado, but more important, I no longer dread using a tool that is supposed to make my business run smoothly!

Krystal Franke, Family Filmmaker + Photographer

Colie was INCREDIBLE to work with. She saved me so much time & headache while setting up the backend of my Dubsado account. She created personalized proposals, emails & workflows that have been life-changing for my business. Now You will LOVE working with Colie. She's worth every penny and MORE."

"I can spend more time doing what I'm passionate about and spending time with my family which is most important of all. 

kind words

My Dubsado VIP setup typically includes 1 lead capture forms, 2-3 packages, 2-3 payment plans, 2-3 questionnaires (inquiry, session/service, feedback), 25+ customized canned emails, proposal, scheduler, and inquiry, booking, onboarding + session workflows for your main offer.  

What is included in the setup for a main offer?


The base for this VIP Experience includes 1 main offer to be setup initially. Once your main offer setup has been approved on your off-boarding call, it can be duplicated and customized for up to two additional offers within 7 business days. They must be for the same business and have a similar customer journey.  *If you have more than 3 services, your setup may require an additional VIP day.

Can you really setup my entire Dubsado account in one implementation week?


Day 1 begins with a collaborative call. Block up to 4 hours on your calendar for this strategy kick-off call. The remainder of the week is completely behind-the-scenes for you, but I will send you links to forms as I create them for your review. The setup can be pretty hands off because of the detail and organization in my pre-setup homework for you.

What should I expect during the VIP Experience?


I bet you're wondering....

your VIP Day questions answered

Setup days are typically booked within the month, so full payment is due at booking. However, if you need a payment plan you can request to pay 50% to book and 50% 10 days prior to VIP Day.

Do you offer payment plans?


While I am a family photographer, this VIP day is for any type of creative that wants to streamline their business with Dubsado. Don't worry, we will make sure this is a good fit on the initial Chat with Colie call before you book.

Is this only for family photographers?


I schedule one Dubsado VIP Experience setup per week, with the Day 1 Strategy on Monday or Tuesday.  My typical availability is 6-8 weeks out. If you have an immediate need, let's chat as soon as possible.

How far out do you book Dubsado setups?


Are you ready?

Dubsado VIP Experience Is For You If:

You’ve been the CEO long enough to know that managing your leads + clients is the heartthrob of every sustainable business today... but not quite long enough to have it 100% on lockdown.

You are a creative who wants their systems running like yesterday without  any(more) “banging of the head” on that damn keyboard.

And whether you’ve been in a relationship with Dubsado for a few years and simply don't know what’s possible when it comes to streamlining your processes or you are brand-new to CRMs want to jump on the Dubsado-bandwagon for the first time - this done-in-a-day service will get you crystal-fucking-clear on how to free up your time, capture more leads, and uplevel your online brand.

Overall, you’re here because you’re interested in growing your business in a straightforward and sustainable way, and you know that hiring a professional to create some non-scary automations is what will get you there... fast.

So after trying to set up Dubsado yourself you figured out it isn't in your zone of genius.  That's O-K-A-Y!!! Let me use what I’ve learned in the trenches running my own photography business with Dubsado - so you can curb any business backend uncertainties and have a system that works for yourself like clockwork. 

It's time to focus on actually running your business without the burnout.

Here’s The Bottom Line…

Kick your feet up while I do all the heavy lifting!


Book your VIP Experience

Dubsado Setup

Strategy VIP Day + Implementation Week