You have questions... I've got answers!
Don’t waste another minute trying to Google your way through setting up your systems or struggling to make decisions in your business.
It's simple, you schedule a call, get the help you need, and move onto the next task!
$400 USD
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In short, anything you want. Photography, websites, systems, general Q&A... whatever you have ever wanted to ask or need help implementing is on the table.
Calls purchased must be used within 90 days..
You will receive a link with instructions with a scheduler for availability on Monday, November 27th. The scheduler will always show 30 days of availability and you can book a call with a minimum of 72 hours notice. If you need a call in less than 72 hours, please reach out via email.
No. These calls only include the 60 minutes on the call and a recording to download will be provided within 24 hours of the call. There is no additional follow-up support included with your call.