Let's take A behind-the-scenes look at how to build a business that brings you joy and a paycheck.

Here you'll find a no-BS approach to what it takes to put the business first, prioritizing the systems and strategies that will actually move the needle and ensure your creative business is profitable rather than an expensive side-hustle.

From how to provide a referral-worthy client experience to automation and revenue streams you'll find everything you need to become a more successful creative entrepreneur. Plus, you'll also uncover how to bring it all together in a way that brings you joy.

Guest games and a whole lotta fun

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Business advice for entrepreneurs

Chats with creatives and cool experts

Marketing tips and tricks

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Hey there, fabulous friends! Today, we’re diving into one of my all-time favorite topics—CRMs! But hold onto your hats, because this isn’t just another episode where I chat about Dubsado or even Honeybook. Nope, we’re going way deeper into how to choose a CRM, what features you should look for, and how a CRM can […]

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If you’re a parent and a business owner and you’ve ever found yourself struggling to find balance, this episode is for you. Dan Moyer joins us in today’s conversation to discuss what it looks like when parenting meets business and how you can growth in both without sacrificing one or the other. LISTEN ON YOUR […]

Your business needs change at every stage within your business. In today’s episode, Jessica Dornieden joins us to discuss the different stages of business and what you might need in your current stage! From outsourcing to the tech and tools you’re using, there are so many options and paths you can take for your business. […]

If you’ve played around with the idea of hosting a summit for your online business, this episode is for you. In today’s episode, Jenny Suneson of Summit Success Squad joins us to highlight the benefits of hosting a summit, along with best practices for hosts and speakers. Listen in as she shares how she got […]

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I'm a Disney-loving family photographer, and filmmaker turned Workflow and Automations Guru who helps creative service providers automate their sh*t, reclaim their time and get back to living!

With 10+ years in the creative space, Colie believes every creative deserves to build a business that is sustainable and profitable, and no one should quit their 9 to 5 only to work 24/7 [in their business].

The truth—automated systems can save us all from being overworked and overwhelmed.

Hi, I'm Colie.

Meet your host and systems guru

I believe every creative deserves to turn their craft into a business that brings them joy and profit.

Grab my list of 10 emails you should template right NOW to save time and stress with client experience communication! 

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