Grab this Quickstart Guide to start using Dubsado or Honeybook today.
A podcast where you join me (Colie) as I chat about what it takes to grow a sustainable + profitable business.
CRM Guru, Family Filmmaker, and Host of the Business-First Creatives podcast. I help creative service providers grow and streamline their businesses using Dubsado, Honeybook, and Airtable.
You know why I love automating your onboarding stage? I can be riding Dumbo at Disney without a business care in the world. I don’t have to micro-manage my leads because any new inquiries will be automatically taken care of with my workflows.
It is an AMAZING feeling to enjoy a peace-of-mind knowing there is not a sense of urgency to response to inquiries. Here are the five steps to automate your client onboarding inside Dubsado!
The Auto-Reply Email
This email should thank them for their inquiry, include any information you want to make sure they have reviewed before booking, and finally let them know the next steps in your booking process.
The Consultation Scheduler
Create a new scheduler for this call with your availability. I recommend a 1 to 2 hour block of availability on at least 3 different days for a 15-min call. Please add confirmation email and at least 2 reminders!
The Offer (proposal)
WOW them with your art and offer at the same time. Include the features and benefits of your offer, a timeline of the process, FAQs to leave no question unanswered, and make sure your contract + invoice are attached in the advanced settings so they can complete the process at one time.
The Automated Follow-Up
The money is in the follow-up. If they have not completed the booking process follow-up with them no later than 2 days later with a completely automated email. In order to automate this, you must send the proposal in a workflow initially and then use “form not completed” as your trigger to resend.
The Automated Booking Confirmation Email
Last, but not least, send them a confirmation email, along with a session guide, to get them excited about their session.
Ready to jump into Dubsado? You can get 30% off your first payment (year or month) using the code COLIEJAMES
Want to avoid a blank screen while setting up your Dubsado templates? Steal mine 😍
The Template Shop is now open with templates, including inquiry + booking workflows discussed above, created specifically for family photographers for use inside Dubsado. You can copy and customize for your own brand + offers in no time. Save yourself hours per client with these templates 🌈