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A podcast where you join me (Colie) as I chat about what it takes to grow a sustainable + profitable business.
CRM Guru, Family Filmmaker, and Host of the Business-First Creatives podcast. I help creative service providers grow and streamline their businesses using Dubsado, Honeybook, and Airtable.
Are you leveraging the power of artificial intelligence for your business? With the advancements of AI, it can feel scary to explore, but once you embrace the mindset of using these tools to go from stuck to started, you’ll find how beneficial they can be for your business. In today’s episode, Dawn Richardson joins us to share how anyone can maximize their business with AI, along with some of her favorite tools to use!
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Guest Bio:
Dawn is a software engineer turned wedding photographer who helps creative entrepreneurs go from tech overwhelmed to tech empowered. Her mission is to create a safe, fun, and welcoming corner of the internet where creative entrepreneurs can learn how to leverage and implement technology in their business so they can spend less time working and more time with the people that matter most.
When she’s not working you can find her spending time with her husband and two little girls or searching for the best Margarita in San Antonio.
Today’s episode is brought to you by DIY Template Shop! Grab the exact email, form, and workflow templates that I include inside the CRM Blueprint Course. Steal my templates and customize them to match your brand and process. Use the code PODCAST for 10% off.
Here are the highlights…
00:50 – Defining AI and Its Impact
02:11 – First Encounters with AI
03:32 – ChatGPT for Entrepreneurs
07:38 – AI Tools for Photo Editing
15:39 – AI in Video Content Creation
21:41 – AI for Email Marketing
31:13 – Future of AI
Mentioned in this Episode
Connect with Dawn
Website: techsavvycreative.com
Tools: techsavvycreative.com/ai
Instagram: instagram.com/techsavvycreative
YouTube: youtube.com/channel/UCDhbJ2fF3vZUSwF10j2v8NQ
Review the Transcript:
Colie: Hello, hello. And welcome back for another episode of business first creatives podcast. I am sitting here with my friend, Dawn Richardson, who is legitimately the hardest person that I’ve ever had to get on this podcast, but it is okay. She is well worth the wait. She is going to pizzazz you with all of her knowledge of AI today.
So if you are not into AI, this is not the opportunity for you to turn this episode off. Believe me when I say, every time Dawn opens her mouth about AI, I am blown away. And y’all know that I try to keep up with all the tech, but I seriously cannot keep up. And that is why I have Dawn in my back pocket.
Dawn, welcome to the podcast.
Dawn: Uh, Colie, I am so excited to be here, finally. I know it’s been a long time coming, but the wait is worth it, and I’m just honored to finally be here.
Colie: Oh, honey. Okay. Let’s kick this off with AI. And I want you to actually give a definition because people hear AI and they think of like scary robots taking over the world.
Dawn: Yes,
Colie: say that with a straight face.
Dawn: easy to do.
Colie: yeah. So give us a definition and then we’re going to spend the rest of this episode talking about how AI can make your life easier as an entrepreneur.
Dawn: Yes. Okay. So the definition of AI is the simulation of human intelligence by a machine. So this is intense and more, it’s different than like the typical automations that we are familiar with, because it’s able to evaluate its surroundings, it’s able to make decisions, it’s able to learn from its mistakes, evolve and adapt over time.
So it’s not just a simple. If somebody pays an invoice, then send them a receipt. It’s looking at everything going on and it’s making decisions based off of that to give the results that you’re looking for, which is really powerful. And yes, it can be a little scary sometimes, especially when you get into some of those types of AI, like your voice AI, there’s voice AI out there that can be a little, there’s a lot of use cases, but it’s also good to know and to learn about so you can make better decisions for you and your family.
Protect them.
Colie: Yes. Dawn, I’m curious. I don’t think I’ve ever heard you talk about this. What is the first piece of AI that you used?
Dawn: The first piece. Ooh. Well, if I’m being really technical, AI has been around for a really long time. So we have been using AI inside of Instagram when we talk about the algorithm. That’s machine learning, which is a type of AI, or when you go to your Amazon app and it’s telling you that you need to buy this dress and you’re like, you are absolutely right, Amazon.
That’s all artificial intelligence. So we’ve been exposed to AI for a long time. But things changed when chat GPT was released, and that was our first time where the public really had an interface to interact with an AI model. And for me, that was the first time that I was like, okay, I see you. And then that’s when I started diving and learning about it.
So first piece of AI that I used in this sense was chat
Colie: hmm. I mean, but you are totally right about Amazon like nailing when they tell me what I should buy I mean that and Instagram ads as well Like I feel like every time I am definitely that person that Instagram is putting ads Into the feed for because I would say that at least one every ten ads at least when they’re good ads I’m like, oh my god, that’s something that I need to check out more or like I found my favorite bras on Instagram I mean, I’m not afraid to say this.
I mean just amazing I’m Chat GPT. Let’s start there. Cause we have a lot of other things that we’re going to talk about. And I feel like even though Chat GPT has been around for a hot minute now, there are still photographers and entrepreneurs that aren’t really using it either for themselves in their business or just in daily life.
So what are some fabulous use cases that you have seen for Chat GPT? Like, let’s say as a photographer first.
Dawn: as a photographer, so any type of content creation, this is a really great place to take you from stuck to started. That’s my motto when it comes to AI. I don’t want to use these tools to replace me necessarily. That’s not the goal here. My goal is to get me to a place from that blank slate to that blank page to a place where I am feeling motivated, where I’m feeling like I can continue and actually write that blog post, or maybe write that email or maybe create that webpage that I’ve been putting on the back burner for all this time.
So think of it as a way to get you from that place of being stuck To a place of that motivation. So a couple of different use cases. We just mentioned a couple. Another really great way to use it is when you’re handling tough situations, so maybe you need to respond to an email that was like a tough email, or maybe an email that has some criticism to it, and you’re not sure how to respond to that client.
Throw it in a chat GPT and say, Hey, help me create a response to this email. You will be amazed at what it puts out. And if not, if that’s not the email that you send out, that’s totally fine, but at least gets your gears moving a little bit. So you can start to feel a little bit more confident about the task at hand, and that’s really powerful.
For me, I’m an Enneagram 3, so when I’m in stress, I stress 2 and 9, and I want to go take a nap. So, whenever I either have a big project that I haven’t started, or a lot on my plate, or something that’s a little bit harder to tackle, like a tough email, I just toss it into ChatGPT and see what it has for me.
Um, even recently, I was trying to refine my own business plan for Tech Savvy Creative. And I wanted to see what ChachiPT suggested that I do. So I threw it into ChachiPT and said, Hey, this is who I am. This is what Tech Savvy Creative does. Please create me a business plan. That’s going to earn me seven figures over the next three years.
And it gave me a full. Full business plan with bullet points, action items, how often I should do things. And a lot of it aligned to what I was already like had an idea wise, but it also had some new ideas that I could inject into my current business plan. And it was a really great exercise to refresh what I had going on.
Colie: have my gears turning now. I think all of us, when we have a question about anything related to our business and particularly with photographers, I feel like, Maybe five years ago, our first thing that we did was was going to a Facebook group and ask the question, right?
You’re getting everybody around you to kind of help you brainstorm. I feel like if all of us thought to ourselves, okay, instead of going to a Facebook group. Let’s just go ask chat GPT and see what it says. First. I feel like a lot of us would get a lot of information just doing that. Our mutual friend Kate.
I remember 1 time. I think she fed in what her numbers were and it asked her for a budget. Or she, she asked it for a budget. And then she also asked it what should she be charging for services based on, you know, all of these expenses that she had, what her profit goal was. And it like spit her on a number.
Like this has been a while, but I was like,
Dawn: That’s amazing. That’s
Colie: And it wasn’t, but it wasn’t that far off from where she was thinking she was going anyway. So it was truly amazing.
Dawn: then so validating and also something I would not put in a Facebook group, you know, like that’s kind of the beauty of it too, is like, you’re not, it’s not a public facing, interaction that you’re having. So you can ask those a little bit harder questions. Maybe you’re embarrassed to ask online, things like that.
You can have that safe little corner to ask those questions and you really get your gears turning.
Colie: Yeah. Okay. I want to take a slight turn because we are, with this episode, I am geared towards photographers, but entrepreneurs as a whole. But every time we’re talking to photographers and you mentioned AI, the first thing that comes to mind is editing, editing, editing, editing. So Don, what are your favorite tools related to AI editing or anything related to delivering those final images in a gallery?
Dawn: I have quite a few, but I’m going to start off with one because as of today, we’re recording this episode. Lightroom has announced generative AI. So what that means is you can use a brush, you can, Like brush and object, and it will use AI to fill in that image, that part of the image, which is really crazy and powerful before that was only available in Photoshop, but now it is available in Lightroom as of today.
So that’s really cool. And I’m a Lightroom user. So when I edit all my photos, I’m a former wedding photographer for context for everybody listening here. When I’m editing any photos, I am using Lightroom 99 percent of the time. I’ll jump into Photoshop every once in a while, but the. The less I have to use Photoshop, the better.
So, big fan of that. But when it comes to AI tools for editing, I have a couple of personal favorites, and I have used a lot of them. It’s part of my job is to experiment with tools and check them out and see how they work. And I like tools that are really easy and user friendly. And when it comes to editing, Imagine.
ai is probably my favorite. I love that tool. And even when I take pictures of my daughter’s graduation, she just graduated pre K yesterday. I took pictures at her graduation and I threw it into Imagine. ai and Imagine. ai gave it back to me in five minutes and I had a blast. Fully edited gallery of photos, and I did nothing other than take the photos and upload them.
It is so powerful because it learns from me. It learned from my previous Lightroom catalogs. It created a profile based off of that, and over time it gets smarter and smarter because I send it any tweaks that I have. It learns from me. It’s learning in these changes to my style, and it just gets smarter and smarter over time.
So, huge fan of Imagine. ai, and they are Forever a part of my workflow. And I even say now that if Imagine AI was around when I was a wedding photographer, I would probably still be a wedding photographer. I left the industry before Imagine came to the game and I, I would still be shooting if I had AI in my back pocket, as a photographer.
So that’s pretty cool. Another really great tool I want to mention is called Topaz, and it is a very powerful AI tool. So if you ever have a photo where you misfocus a little bit, or maybe it’s a little bit of motion blur, that, that tool, Topaz, can fix that image for you. It is. Amazing. It really handles these out of focus images.
Well, now, if you are like, you know, completely focused on somebody in front of you and there’s like somebody 12 feet behind you, it’s not going to kind of fix that kind of focus, but if you’re in a sparkler exit and there’s a little bit of motion blur, or if you just miss that focus, or you were back focused a little bit, it can really fix that image.
It’s really powerful. It can also make your images larger. So if I, for example, took some family photos and scan them in, they were four by sixes. When I scan them in, I can scan them in and then increase the resolution of those photos using AI. So I can print them in larger scale photos, which is really cool and really powerful and for photographers that are like.
Let’s say they’re not sure about using AI yet. I just, I just want to tell you to go try it, go try it before you decide not to use it. If you decide not to use it, that’s totally fine, but it can really change the game for your workflow and how quickly you’re able to turn these photos. And that in turn gives you more time to do what you want to do.
And also your clients get their photos sooner, which is a really great experience for everybody.
Colie: Yeah, it really makes your client experience like, wow, like, oh my goodness, she got this back so fast. I’m going to admit, I did not know that Topaz was AI until Dawn told me before we hit record. That’s the first thing. The second thing is, I know many times, because I’ve only had Topaz, I think, for like the last three years.
If I had Topaz before that, there was a session and I’m going to tell everyone I am a Nikon shooter. This is not a problem on my current gear, but for any Nikon shooters that shoot with like a 750, for those of us that are constantly changing our ISO, People will know and hate the quality button because if you accidentally touch the wrong button, you end up changing the quality of your photo and not the ISO
Dawn: Oh no.
Colie: so I was at a newborn session one time and thank goodness I was shooting with two bodies. But I shot almost an entire newborn session in small JPEG. It started as large raw and by the time I was done it was small JPEG because I had accidentally hit the quality button. And unfortunately that client had fake lashes on and I think that if she hadn’t Something like Topaz would have been amazing to basically upscale those photos to where they were larger and they could have been printed by the client.
But unfortunately the compression on a small JPEG made it look like she had black blobs on her eyes. So that, I mean, it’s fine. I went back, I spent another 30 minutes just getting the family portraits and then the pictures of the mom holding the baby. And I was trying to think of a way, cause I, you know, I sent her a gallery.
And I said, you know, after you’ve seen them, please send me an email. This is what I do every time I screw up. So, I mean, I just screw up very often, but I have had a handful that I’m like, Oh, wow. So she contacted me and she’s like, Oh my God, these are amazing. I said, okay. I love that you love them, but I have to come back for another 30, 40 minutes.
And she was like, why? I said, so these are all small JPEGs. And so they’re not large enough. And she’s like, I don’t understand. I’m like, it’s like I took your entire session on my iPhone. Like they’re
Dawn: The iPhone would probably be bigger.
Colie: the iPhone to probably be bigger. And I was like, you know, I’m worried about what it’s going to look like when you print it.
So, I mean, in that case. Topaz would have really saved me. In other cases, I’m one of those people that I’m going through. And while I will keep a soft image, if it’s like a really important moment, I am one of those people that usually tosses photos if the focus is not tack sharp. I’m just one of those people.
And ever since I’ve had Topaz, which is actually why I got Topaz in the Slightly front focused, right? I run it through Topaz and it’s like I didn’t screw up at all. It’s amazing. It makes me a better photographer.
Dawn: It really does.
Colie: listening audience, if you haven’t tried Topaz, you can totally do a free trial, send a few images through it, like some images that you loved.
but that you were too scared to give them to a client because you think to yourself, well, that’s going to be the one picture that they print as like a 20 by 24 on their wall. And it’s not even in focus. If you’ve ever had those kinds of images, that’s when Topaz can save you.
Dawn: It’s so amazing. You have to try it out. Mm
Colie: So we’ve talked about editing. Let’s kind of change gears because you and I were going back and forth about whether or not talking about like AI related to video would even be useful to photographers, but I am on a kick to get every creative entrepreneur, photographer or not to start making client experience videos.
So that you can interact with your clients. They can get to know you better without adding additional calls or additional time to your calendar. So what are some of the video AI tools that you’re in love with currently?
Dawn: So the one that I just love, it is just Chef’s Kiss Perfect. I love this tool. It’s called Descript and I believe you also use Descript. Is that right? Okay.
Colie: I edit my podcast into script. Well, Haylee does it. I don’t do it. Haylee does it.
Dawn: We love Haylee love you Haylee. So in Descript, so one of the really powerful features, this is not necessarily the AI feature that I want to talk about, but when you upload a video into Descript, it gives you the transcript of what you said in that video, and you can actually edit it.
Edit the video simply by deleting the text, which is so nice. So maybe you said something twice or you want to change how, like you, you didn’t like that whole section. So you want to delete that whole section. You just delete the text and it will crop the video to align with that. It is amazing. It is so beautiful, but.
I love Descript, especially if you’re somebody that’s maybe newer to creating video content and you’re not very comfortable in front of the camera. And let’s say you want a script to read off of, but you don’t want it to look like you’re reading off of a script. Well, Descript has an eye contact feature that will actually take your eyeballs and make you look at the camera instead of wherever you’re looking.
So you can like be reading a script, you can be looking off to the side, and the AI will actually correct it to make you look like you’re looking at the camera. So that is, uh, Really powerful. It is really cool. And it is really kind of freaky. The first couple of times you do it. I joke and I have a video side by side of what, what that looks like, where I’m like
Colie: I remember that video.
Dawn: and like the descript has like moved my eyeballs forward and it’s just a really surreal and.
really incredible way to use AI, especially if you’re not feeling comfortable about being in front of the camera. So let AI do that part for you and you just get in front of that camera and start like lots of things. You just got to get started and a lot of these tools can really help you go from stuck to started.
Colie: Yes. Now, Dawn, I will admit though, the first time that I tried it, it was completely
Dawn: Was it? Yeah.
Colie: that side by side video at Creative Educators in 2023, shout out to Laylee. When you showed that video, I remember trying to pick my jaw up off the floor because I was like, Oh my God, I had no idea that it had gotten that good.
Because when I was watching the video of you, I could not tell. And I was like, Before, when I tried it out, I could definitely tell I looked like I was on crack or something. I don’t know. I looked really crazy, but watching you, I was like, Oh, my God, that’s so amazing. The other thing that I’m just going to kick in because you talked about the video, but I think that the way that it dubs your voice or that it will, you know, correct and restate things using your AI voice is amazing because let’s say guys that you mispronounce someone’s name.
And I’m not saying that I have perhaps done this, but just know I have done this. I have made it go back in and correct the name because I, I miss said it. Other times I’ve said the wrong word and I was like, okay, I don’t want to rerecord that whole thing. I will just type in the word that it was supposed to be and.
On the podcast episode, you guys would never be able to tell because you can’t see my face. On the YouTube video, you might be able to, but I don’t do that very frequently. But that is something that I think everybody will love because you often feel, especially if you’re reading from a script, like maybe you don’t say it in the right way, or maybe you don’t like how you worded something.
You can always go back and change it without re recording the entire segment or video altogether.
Dawn: It’s so nice. And I think it has vocal fry stuff, specialization too. So like vocal fry is when you are talking and then you just kind of like, you go down like this and you start to mumble. So that’s called vocal fry, which I do. I can get like in a tangent and start frying a little bit. Um, there’s an AI feature inside of the script that fixes that vocal fry in particular, which is really cool.
Colie: I did not know that because I don’t do VocalFry, but I can actually name a few people that I listen to and it is very hard for me to listen to them because they start out really and then they do, and I’m like, Oh my
Dawn: That’s me.
Colie: to listen to this. Oh my God. I’m going to share that. Maybe I can figure out a way to not be rude when I share it in that manner, but I’m, I’m going to
Dawn: Be like, check out this episode.
Colie: Okay. See if there are any tips that could help you. Uh, the other thing that it does. We all naturally use ums, we all naturally put filler words into, you know, things that we say. And I say, when people ask me about hiring Haylee, I’m like, no, I did the entire podcast myself for three months. And one of the things that that helped me do was to say less of my filler words.
Now guys, because that’s the filler word that I still haven’t been able to get rid of. I say that often, but I don’t often say, um, Hmm, like I just don’t naturally say those, but if you do, there is a little feature in Descript where you can click a button and it will remove all of those filler words . It is like magic.
Dawn: That is so cool. I, it is, it just, where you are in your business too. Like, what are you working on? Where, what is the pain point that we’re trying to solve? And that’s. That’s exactly what this AI is about. And we’re talking about all these different ways to use this tool. And it’s just, that’s where it becomes so powerful, regardless of your photographer or your creative.
Colie: Yeah. So We have talked about video, and we briefly talked about having ChatGPT help you write some things, but I know that you have this one tool that you are super excited about when it comes to email marketing, and guys, just in case you don’t know, she mentioned her business, Tech Savvy Creative, she mentioned it, but she is, she has a new role now.
Don, why don’t you tell us what your new role
Dawn: Sure. So I am with Flodesk and I am the product education manager and I get to create educational content for the Flodesk platform, which I love. And I’ve been using since 2019. So if you are somebody that is looking to up your game when it comes to email marketing, check out Flodesk. It is beautiful, simple, and easy to use email marketing for creatives and small business owners.
Colie: Now that’s how you actually deliver the emails, but the AI tool that you’re about to tell us about is going to help you write the actual emails. So Dawn, tell me about
Dawn: Yes, so one of my favorite tools and one of the very few tools that I pay an annual subscription for is
Colie: That says a
Dawn: yes, it does. And I will continue to pay it. I love it. I use it all the time. It is called Hoppy Copy, and it is a beautiful AI tool, but it specializes in email marketing. So, yes, I work for an email marketing company.
I do email marketing, but it’s something actually creating the emails is something that I struggle with personally. It is not my, my bread and butter. It’s not the thing that I’m the best at. So I like to have these tools help me get started with this. And Hoppy Copy is specialized in email marketing. So it asks me the right questions to get me the right results.
And that’s where it’s really so powerful. So when HoppyCopy, you go in there and it has things like sequences and it says, what kind of sequence do you want to make? Do you want to make a welcome sequence or do you want to make a product introduction? Like they just bought your course and you want to welcome them to the course, or maybe you have a cold lead or maybe it’s a abandoned cart.
All of these different sequences are built into HoppyCopy. You select the sequence. So let’s say we did welcome email and then ask you questions. It says, tell me about your business. What are you trying to sell? What do you want their action to be once they’re done with this sequence? And you fill in those answers.
And then it generates you a list with bullet points of what emails to send on what day and what to include in each of those emails. Now, for me, I love this because I love the bullet points. I’m like, Hey, give me, you know, five bullet points. And I want to. Use my own words and magic and I’m gonna create the email from there.
But that’s so much better than looking at a blank slate. And for me, I wasn’t even sure when to send what email. Do I wait one day? Do I wait two days? How long does it, should this email series be? And that tells me all of it inside of hop copy. So big fan. And if I want AI to generate the full email for me, I absolutely can.
So one of the things that I’m currently working on actively at tech savvy creative is creating a whole 52 week email series called tech tip Tuesday.
Colie: I’m working on it too,
Dawn: There you go.
Colie: systems.
Dawn: yes. So tech tips, little tangible weekly tips that can be in somebody’s inbox to build and. nurture that relationship to give them something valuable.
It’s a little nugget of information. Hoppy copy is not only helping me identify what those 52 weeks are, but it’s helping me generate what is inside of those emails. And once I have that, I take that content and I go over to Flowdesk and I turn it into a beautiful design that all of my users love. And that’s just a really powerful way to use email marketing in your business.
Colie: So Dawn, basically what you’re telling me is that there’s absolutely no excuse that I haven’t finished my evergreen series, which by the way, listening audience, that’s what we’re both talking about, an evergreen email marketing series. And the funny thing is the first time that I thought about writing one was when Candice Coppola spoke at creative educators in 2023.
I mean, Laylee, I’m just giving you all kinds of shout outs today. And then. And then in 2024, Hope Taylor talked about it again and I was Disappointed in myself that I had listened to Candice’s talk the year before and I was like, oh my god, I’m gonna do this. And then I had a goal of writing my Evergreen sequence when I was going to be on my Disney cruise in February.
And then because of all my health issues, I never got to go on that cruise. But it’s still on my to do list, Dawn, but you know what? You have You have motivated me. I am going to jump into Hoppy Copy in the next few weeks and I am going to give it a whirl and see how far I can get. Cause I already have all my topics.
And honestly, like if I talked about them, I’m like you, I just need something to start and then I can edit it. You know, work my copy magic, do all of those things, but the blank screen scares me and photographers in general. I would say that writing emails scares them more than anyone because they’re like, no, but I just want to show people pretty pictures.
Yes, the pictures hook people. But the words are what make them contact you. The words are what make them buy from you. You can have beautiful images all over your website and on your Instagram, but really people are reading your words to get a connection with you and to actually purchase your services.
So everyone should try this if you are someone who is struggling with your email marketing. And then of course, Flowdesk was made perfectly for photographers. So if you need, you know, an email marketing service, cause you should not be sending these from Gmail. You should not be sending them from HoneyBook or Dubsado.
Like that’s not those functions for those particular pieces of tech.
Dawn: marketing emails are very different. They have a different nature. And for, deliverability reasons and stuff, you want to be using a email marketing tool that specializes in those types of emails. So you are spot on with that. And I would love to share a tip that in a way that I use AI for all those photographers that are feeling intimidated by what to write, or maybe like, I don’t know what to say. Don’t worry about being polished. Let the tool do that for you. So one of my favorite things to do is I’ll be in the car and I’ll have kids screaming in the background and I’ll be like, Hey Siri. Oh, sorry. My phone just went off. Uh, I will say, start a note. And then I’ll just start rambling. I’ll just talk about my session that I was just at.
Oh my gosh, they had this, , the, the nursery was so beautiful. She had the, her grandmother’s wedding gown lace was on her, whatever. You can talk about all the little details. You can talk about the story and you can just kind of ramble into this note. Well, now you have a text version of your ramble. And then what you do when you come home is you take that and you throw it into HoppyCopy, you throw it into ChatGPT, you throw it into Canva MagicWrite, whatever your AI tool of choice is, and say, turn this into a polished blog post, and you will be amazed at what it comes out with.
So it takes your own ideas, it takes your own topic, it takes the story that only you know, and it will polish it and create a really excellent piece of content for you.
Colie: how familiar with PicTime are you? Did you use Pic-Time when you used to deliver galleries or were you a shoot proof user?
Dawn: I didn’t. I was a, I was a pixie set user. Mm-Hmm.
Colie: I’m going to throw this out there because considering that you and I were just together at a conference, I, I was there as a pick time ambassador running the booth. And so I would feel remiss if I didn’t mention the AI tools that they have, because it’s directly related to what you just
Dawn: Oh, that’s
Colie: Guys, if you’re driving home from a session and you make yourself that note, you can actually use Pic-Time. to blog for you. They have an AI tool. You can even like, you know, make your pictures inside of it. The AI tool will help you write your copy that goes in the blog post. And then you copy a code directly into your WordPress blog and it formulates the entire blog for you.
Dawn: Um, that is amazing.
Colie: it
Dawn: That is so cool.
Colie: going to, I’m going to mention the second one because it doesn’t, I don’t want to say I don’t care about it because I am intrigued by it. I love it, but it doesn’t typically help me in what I photograph. But the second set of tools that PickTime has that is AI driven is the filters.
And so let’s say that you have this gallery and you want to deliver. You know, only the photos of the flowers the florist. If you go to the AI search and you type in flowers, it will find every picture for you in that gallery with the flowers so that you could deliver those to the florist. The other thing that it has is AI Face Finder.
How many of us have attended a wedding and you know, the bride and groom are giving out a link to the gallery and you’re like, Oh my God, these photos are beautiful, but I really don’t want to search through 600 photos to find me. Well, with the face finder, you can just look at everybody’s face because AI is going through the gallery and finding everybody’s face and making it a clickable button.
And if I just click my face. or I click my daughter’s face, or I click my husband’s face, or I click all three. It will narrow that gallery down to only show me the images of me and my family that I am searching for in this big, huge gallery.
Dawn: That is, so I used that at Laylee’s conference for her gallery. I was like, Oh, click on my face, download. It was
Colie: There you go.
Dawn: cool.
Colie: Okay, Dawn, we’ve talked about a lot of tools. Are there any that now, cause you know, you and I, we talk and things spark to the brain. So is there anything else that’s come to mind while we’ve been chatting that we should mention in terms of AI tools?
Dawn: You know, something that I want to mention is that AI is constantly changing. So by the time this podcast episode goes live, there’s going to be new things that are here and it’s just constantly evolving, constantly adapting, constantly changing. Something that I’m really curious to see how it evolves is the newest version of ChatGPT, which is called ChatGPT 4.
0, uh, 4. 0, and I am curious because it has a visual component where you can turn on the camera of your phone, pointed at something, and it can respond to it. You can see it. So, for example, if I went to my refrigerator and I said, I don’t know what to make for dinner. I could like pointed out my refrigerator and it will look what’s inside of my fridge and the AI will be like, In a voice format, which is even weirder, it’ll be like, well, you can probably make this tonight.
Here’s the recipe. And it’s because you have hamburger meat and this in your, your refrigerator, you can make this. But I’m just thinking about, as we were talking, what that would look like for a photographer. Maybe you’re in a really tough lighting situation, or you go into a wedding venue and it’s like an orange barn.
And you’re like, I don’t know where to put my strobes. Could AI. Answer that question for you. So those are questions that are popping into my mind. I don’t have the answers cause I haven’t played with it yet, but those are ways that I want to use it to see how powerful it is and how much is really going to start answering our questions that we have real time on the fly.
But think of it having like your own little assistant in your pocket. It’s a really powerful tool.
Colie: I mean, I feel like Dawn just queued herself up very nicely to be a returning guest to tell us the next iteration of all of these AI tools to help us stay on top of it. All right, Dawn. So tell the listening audience where they can find out more information about you and tech savvy creative.
Dawn: So you can find me on Instagram at techsavvycreative. You can also find me at techsavvycreative. com. And I do have an AI toolkit for creatives. It’s a free resource where we talk about all of these tools plus a ton more. And that is at techsavvycreative. com slash AI.
Colie: All right, guys. And all these notes are going to be in the show notes. Don’t you worry. I’m going to have every single tool that we talked about today, plus Dawn’s information and her resource that she has just shared. Dawn, thank you so much for coming on the podcast. This was so much fun. And now I’m feeling really motivated.
Like I really do want for you to check in with me in like two weeks and
Dawn: See how your email series is going? Yes,
Colie: Yes. I’m going to check in with you and be like, where are
Dawn: Where are you? I’m three emails into my 52, so we’ll see if I’m at a better point in a couple weeks there.
Colie: Okay.
Dawn: I’ll check in
Colie: All right,
Dawn: you for having me, friend.
Colie: right, everyone. That’s it for this episode. See you next time.