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A podcast where you join me (Colie) as I chat about what it takes to grow a sustainable + profitable business.
CRM Guru, Family Filmmaker, and Host of the Business-First Creatives podcast. I help creative service providers grow and streamline their businesses using Dubsado, Honeybook, and Airtable.
Any opportunity to chat with Jordan Gill about anything is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G, but chatting the evolution of my own Dubsado VIP Day was icing on the cake.
My Dubsado VIP Day offer has transformed my business over the last 18 months. When I joined the Done in a Day program in September of 2021, I was steadily booking my VIP Day offer and refining the processes with each and every setup. By the time I left the program I had doubled my price, significantly improved my processes, and made a lot of great connections for referral partners.
Yes it’s exciting that I’ve made 6-figures on that offer; but it has also allowed me to work less, go to Disneyland every month, and dedicate significant time to homeschool my kid. When I say it has been life-changing I am not exaggerating.
Click above to watch the entire episode!
If you are VIP Day curious, the next virtual Done in a Day virtual conference is around the corner! Click HERE to save $10 off your ticket and join hundreds of other entrepreneurs that are ready to explore the world of VIP Days with you. I was thrilled to give a keynote at the spring Done in a Day virtual conference earlier this year, helping people feel confident in creating a new VIP Day offer to sell to their existing audience. The Done in a Day virtual conference is a place for amazing networking and exploration of all things VIP Days. I hope you will join us!
Need help with streamlined systems in your business? Click HERE to learn more about my VIP Day offer and how it can help you reclaim time in your business, yesterday!