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Avoid the headache of trying to Google your way to some working workflows with this guide.
A podcast where you join me (Colie) as I chat about what it takes to grow a sustainable + profitable business.
CRM Guru, Family Filmmaker, and Host of the Business-First Creatives podcast. I help creative service providers grow and streamline their businesses using Dubsado, Honeybook, and Airtable.
Do you know that I have a Dubsado course?
I spent a glorious working weekend with Sabrina Gebhardt in Ft. Worth recently. We booked rooms at the Omni Hotel in Ft. Worth and drank lattes and margaritas to get ALL the things done.
The first major activity I worked on was my course.
The CRM Blueprint is my Dubsado Course for family photographers who want to streamline and automate their business with guidance. These are a few of the things I did for the course this weekend…
I really think these Dubsado course tasks were the biggest accomplishment of the weekend. *While I still need to film the new lessons and finish up the new templates before I make them live for students, just starting the process means I can now assign them to specific CEO Days in the next few weeks to knock them out!
Next, I also took this opportunity as the time and space to do all the shit I do for other people on a regular basis. As my process for helping my clients has evolved, better emails and workflows, I just didn’t have the opportunity to update my own!
In the VIP Day world people regularly say “set time aside to hire yourself for your own VIP Day” and man did I need it. I spent a solid 6 hours updating all of my emails, forms, schedulers, and workflows. My own clients Dubsado VIP Day clients are now getting same level of consistent emails that I help them create in their own business.
The last major accomplishment I did was organized podcast assets so I am not constantly wasting time looking for shit. Seriously. I think I could spend an entire weekend trying to get my Flodesk, Canva, Desktop, and Google Drive organized. I might need this sooner than January!
If you are feeling inspired and want some guidance for implementing a CEO Day/Weekend in your business, be sure to listen to my podcast interview with Ashley Kang HERE. I am not even home yet and already looking forward to my next one!
Click below to hear how Sabrina and I have done individual working weekends and one together!