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A podcast where you join me (Colie) as I chat about what it takes to grow a sustainable + profitable business.
CRM Guru, Family Filmmaker, and Host of the Business-First Creatives podcast. I help creative service providers grow and streamline their businesses using Dubsado, Honeybook, and Airtable.
Are you leveraging the power of AI in your business? In today’s episode, Hattie Dunstan of Funstans Marketing discusses how you can integrate AI into your content creation process and advertising strategy! Listen in as Hattie shares how AI tools like ChatGPT, Meta AI, Gemini, and MidJourney, can streamline various business tasks from crafting marketing content to analyzing ad campaign data.
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Guest Bio:
Hattie is the fearlessly fun leader behind Funstans Marketing. She’s passionate about empowering entrepreneurs through Facebook and Instagram ad strategies and her community, Robo Realm, Master Marketing With AI. Based in Canada, Hattie spends her days installing pixels, leveraging the latest ways to use ChatGPT, and watching seemingly endless cake decorating TikToks with her daughters, Daisy and Hazel, husband, Tristan, and cats – Bluey and Bingo.
Today’s episode is brought to you by my Content Organization Hub! If you are drowning in a sea of post its trying to keep track of all your content ideas or maybe you’re struggling to remember what you posted on which platform and when, I totally get it.
That’s why I created the content organization hub for air table for just 9. You can finally put an end to content chaos. Imagine having all your marketing content in one central location. Easily linked, perfectly organized, and ready to go whenever you are. Grab the Content Organization Hub and get 10% off with code PODCAST!
Here are the highlights…
00:58 – Meet Hattie: Funstans Marketing
02:45 – The Journey into Advertising
04:47 – The Importance of Data in Business
07:26 – Creating Effective Funnels
08:18 – Innovative Lead Magnets
09:51 – AI in Marketing: A Game Changer
15:16 – Training Your AI Assistant
18:46 – Memory Features for Free Accounts
20:00 – Training AI for Your Business
23:21 – AI in Advertising Campaigns
26:49 – Using AI for Image Creation
32:16 – Getting Started with AI
Mentioned in this Episode
Connect with Hattie
Website: funstans.kartra.com/page/links
Instagram: instagram.com/funstans
Threads: threads.net/@funstans
Review the Transcript:
Colie: You are listening to the business first creatives podcast. I’m your host, Koli James. In each episode, you will hear real life stories, behind the scene takes and practical insights for how to streamline and grow a creative business that brings you joy and a paycheck. Let’s get started. Hello, hello, and welcome back to the business first creatives podcast.
We are going to be chatting about two subjects that I feel I am the least competent to discuss. So I think that our, our conversation today with Hattie is going to be super interesting. And just to let the cat out of the bag, we’re going to be talking about AI and advertising guys. I mean, I know we all know how I feel about advertising, but you know, Hattie is slowly, but surely bringing me over to the dark side.
Good morning, Hattie and welcome to the podcast. Good morning. Thanks for having me. Hattie, tell me something. How, well, first of all, tell me about your business name, because I know that it’s like a play on your last name and I just think that it’s so cute.
Hattie: Oh, thank you. So I’m Funstons Marketing and what we did was it’s a combo of both my husband’s and my last name.
So his last name is Farage. My last name is Dunston. So we mashed it together to be Funstons and we also wanted to To, I found that the marketing world was full of all these techies and these bros, and they were speaking all this marketing jargon that no one understood. So I was like, how can we bring fun back to marketing?
So, work out well. I’m like, Funston’s marketing. That’s gotta be it. And we call our community Funsters and the fun times newsletter and.
Colie: I like to,
Hattie: I mean, but I,
Colie: I really appreciate it when people do that, because it was something that I didn’t really realize. Someone said one time, Oh, no, Coley, your Instagram is so much fun.
It makes me feel like systems could be fun. And I was like, really? And then I was like, Oh, well, maybe I should lean into this a bit more because I mean, you know, I’m always talking about Disney. And while I often tie it to, Hey, um, I was riding Dumbo and someone paid me today. I mean, I do make that connection.
I’m like, I’ve never really thought about the fact that. I’m always having fun on my Instagram and other people think, well, Hey, if Coley can do all the systems work and she’s still having this much fun, maybe I can have fun with systems too. And I was like, okay, that’s like weird, but I’m going to lean into it.
Hattie: Totally. And advertising and paid ads is so dry sometimes and it’s data analysis and math. And so, yeah, I lean into the fun and the colorfulness and the creative as much as I can too.
Colie: Yeah. So let’s, I mean, let’s get into that. Let’s talk about how you are in a very bro marketing area. How did you get started in advertising and specifically running people’s Facebook and Instagram ads for them as an ads manager?
Hattie: I got started first. I started out as a social media manager. I was, I was also writing blog posts. I was doing like, I was kind of a Jack of all trades. I was a unicorn of the marketing world. And then I really just honed in. On I love being creative. I love interior design. I love graphic design, but I’m also very analytical and I love data and I love finding patterns and I love numbers.
Um, so the more I started doing kind of everything, I realized, well, Facebook and Instagram paid ads, really, you have to be super creative. You have to stop people’s schools. You have to get their attention, but then you also need this amazing strategy on the backend and you need to understand numbers and conversion rates and opt ins and, and I was just like, my gosh, it’s like.
Combining my two loves and I get to play in both worlds. Um, but I actually started out as a jewelry designer and then people started asking me, who does your marketing and who does your blah, blah, blah. And I was like, well, I do. And do you want me to do it for you? Slowly snowballed and yeah. That’s how it started.
Colie: No. And that’s awesome. And guys, in case you haven’t figured it out, this is why I’m obsessed with Hattie, because it’s funny when people are like, Oh no, Cole, you’re so creative. Like, even though I’m a photographer, a lot of the times I don’t see that as like a creative adventure. And I know that seems really silly, but like I make my films in a very analytical way.
I take photos. I mean, I’m driven by emotion, but like when I’m taking the photo, it’s I’m doing it from a very analytical perspective. Like how high can I push my ISO? What does it look like from this angle versus this angle? I mean, I don’t think that I am a very creative person at heart. But I am very analytically driven.
Like I love numbers. And so I’m, it’s a little weird that I’m not more obsessed with advertising simply because of all of the data that is involved in that endeavor.
Hattie: Yes, there is like so much, I’ll get on a call with someone and then I ask them just three simple questions about the conversion rates and they’ll be like, No one’s asked me that before and I’m like, Oh, but that should just be simple.
Straight up. Like, yeah, it’s so advertising and data and numbers go so hand in hand. Even email marketing should be looking at numbers, you know, businesses should be looking at numbers really. But yes,
Colie: I mean, I feel like there should be every new business owner should be handed some kind of manual. That’s basically like, these are the data points that you should know about your business at any given step.
Here’s how you can find them. But if you feel unqualified. Find someone who can compile that data for you. I definitely think that that should be like a thing. If there was anything that I could impart on new business owners, it’s don’t sleep on your data. Like you need your data in order to make decisions in your business.
And so if you collect it from the beginning, it will make your life so much easier in terms of growing a sustainable business.
Hattie: Guys that they should be putting Google Analytics in or what Google Analytics is, or, I mean, when I talk about Facebook pixels, people start to roll their eyes and they don’t understand that.
I’m like, Oh no, it’s, it’s really easy. It’ll
Colie: take you five minutes, but yeah. I mean, and I feel like websites make it so much easier now for you to get your Facebook pixel. I mean, especially if you have a WordPress blog, I mean, it’s just a plugin and then you just copy your little code and you just stick it in and then bam, you are ready to go.
It’s that simple. But anything related to tech gives a lot of people anxiety. And that’s why it’s fabulous that they can hire people like you who understand not only the analytical side with the data, but also just how to set up the tech and funnels. I mean, I’m sure at some point in today’s conversation, we’re going to talk about funnels, but like, there are just so many moving pieces in a funnel that the average business owner.
Often has this one tiny piece that’s like not set up correctly. Your tags aren’t working. And then all of a sudden, the rest of your funnel is garbage. And. Every moment that they spend trying to figure out where that error is, they’re getting more and more frustrated and they start to think, okay, but advertising is not for me.
Like funnels are not for me. Like, I’m a, I’m a person to person business owner. I just want to talk directly to the clients. And it’s like, yeah, but you could get a huge return on investment. And I know that funnels are complicated, but like once they work, they work. And so if you just, you know, hire someone or spend a little bit of time to get it right, you will in fact, get your return on investment back very quickly.
Hattie: Yes, and I always tell people just, just be frustrated on the first funnel and get your frustrations out and work on it. And then you can just duplicate, you’ll, you’ll get so good at that first funnel that you can just duplicate it then for your other offers or your other projects. But really it’s that, it’s setting up that first funnel that is so hard for people to wrap their minds around that I see a lot of.
I have to help a lot of people with that before we can even run ads.
Colie: I mean, I had Angela Tan on the podcast recently, but she said that the first funnel that most people try to set up is like a lead magnet. Is that the one that you are currently, you know, suggesting that everyone start with is a simple lead magnet, whether I guess, does it matter if you’re running paid ads or not?
Like, is that where everyone should start in terms of bringing new leads into their business?
Hattie: I love that question. Yes. I think everyone should start with a lead magnet, but be more creative with your lead magnet. So I’m in my sales funnel intensives and with my clients, I’m pushing custom GPTs and I’m pushing chatbots as lead magnets, trying to be more unique than just download my PDF or download my ebook.
So I, I think lead magnets are a beautiful thing to bring awareness to your top of the funnel, even if you’re not running ads, you can still run it organically on your social, through emails, try to grow your list and prove your offer before even running ads, prove that funnel. But I’m, I’m really trying to.
Get people to think of really unique outside the box lead magnets, whether it’s, um, you know, private podcasts, little custom GPT chat bot. I’m really trying to push chatbots on people cause it’s so unique and it instantly gives a win to the customer. And you can program the chatbot to say, Hey, if you enjoyed this, come join my membership, I’ll give you 25 percent off your first month, or, Hey, if you enjoyed Let’s book a one on one coffee date and see if.
Systems would be good for you or whatever it is. So you can really the chat, train the chat bot to be your salesperson for you or get them on that call or get them on that next step in that funnel.
Colie: Okay. We are less than 10 minutes in, and you mentioned AI, which is of course why I brought you on the podcast.
I was listening to you in an audio summit and I dropped into your Instagram DMs. And I was like, Oh my gosh, Hattie, you have to come talk about this on my podcast. Please. And thank you. So to kick us off. And like the AI track, can you tell me first how you are using AI for marketing in your own business before we hop over to advertising and then also what you do for your clients?
Hattie: Yes. Coley. I, I use AI for literally everything. I can’t remember what we did without it. And then when I meet someone who’s not using AI, I’m like, how are you still functioning in this business world? Um, but yeah, it’s absolutely. I use it for sales funnels, ideas, lead magnet ideas. I’ll take an email. I love writing my own email and adding, of course, our own human and our own sparkle to it.
And I’ll take my emails and I’ll upload it to Gemini. I’ll upload it to Meta and I’ll ChatGPT and I’ll ask it to improve the copy. And I like to see between the three big guys that I use. Who gets my brand voice the most and who kind of corrects the email like I want it to be. So I use it for email marketing, Tik TOK scripts, Instagram scripts.
I use it. I really like to think of Chachi BT as kind of my assistant and her name is Isabella and she is this eager marketing intern who really wants to please me. And so I bounce ideas off of her. She just does. She goes above and beyond. She maps out quarter three plans. I’m using her right now to map out a quarter three plan.
I have two AI chatbots that I’ve designed with her. One is to help, uh, customers since we’re so close to our own marketing, it helps people find out what their customers desires and pain points are so they can sell more and get their messaging right. And then I have another chatbot that I use AI for to help people, uh, brainstorm their own lead magnets and their own custom GPT.
So, honestly. I, I, and I use it in my personal life. Like on the weekend, I took a picture of a windsurfer and I said, how can we fix this windsurfer? And it told me order this piece on Amazon. I was like, thank you. Like, I just, you name it, if you can imagine it. AI can help you with it. That’s the way I like to do.
Say it. .
Colie: I mean, first of all, I love that you named your assistant Isabella. So I talk about my automation assistant, her name is Ashley , because Automation Ashley, I can’t help myself. Amazing. Um, and you just speak so passionately about AI in the same way that I talk about Airtable. Like I am literally obsessed.
I just can’t figure out, and plus. I mean, I don’t know if you know this, but Airtable now has AI built into it to where it in particular fields, you can actually do things that I haven’t explained it enough or explored it enough to have a coherent conversation. But I feel like we should touch bases after I’ve had a chance to like really go through it and work and see what its capabilities are.
Hattie: Yeah. Cause I, I, I love that all these other companies like Zoom is coming up with AI notions coming up with AI Airtable. I would love to know the weather. They have any ground to stand on compared to Meta AI or Gemini or ChachiBT. Like our, yeah, we’ll touch base afterwards. Whether, whether Airtable AI is up to snuff, I guess.
Colie: Yeah. So let’s talk about Meta AI. Because I literally did not know that Meta had its own AI until I heard you say it on that summit presentation that I listened to. So what is the benefit of, or maybe I should ask you, how is using the Meta AI different than say, chat GPT, which I think is the one that most people are most familiar with.
Hattie: Yeah, ChatGBT really paved the way and in November of 2022, when they launched to the public, that was revolutionary. That was just insane. So everyone knows ChatGBT, but what I love and most people don’t even realize is Meta AI. And you’ve probably noticed when you go on to Instagram, they’ve got the little blue circle now and it’s kind of annoying because they like suggest, Hey, do you want to go on?
A road trip or plant, whatever the annoying little suggestions are that people think is the AI with Facebook or Instagram, but that’s just. Facebook and Instagram experimenting and doing something weird. That is AI. But if you go to a browser window on your desktop and you type in meta. ai, you will get, um, a program that looks very similar to ChatGBT or Gemini or Cloud or any of these other ones.
And you will have your chats on the side and it is an AI language bot and Koli. It will rock your world because if you’re one of like the, the OG members of Facebook, like I’ve had Facebook, I think, I think we’re coming up to 20 years. So it has so much knowledge on, on me. It has trillions and trillions of data points.
And so I didn’t have to train it. The way I had to train Chachi BT to find my brand voice, to find my tone, to find the words that I hate to use in my marketing or the words that I love to use because it. New, like every time I would say, I, I like to still test cause Meta AI is new. So I still test between Gemini, Meta and Chachapiti and Meta, she just wins.
She, she just is a convert. She just, she’s lovely. She, she really gets my brand voice. So she was there a lot of the time.
Colie: Yeah. So let’s actually talk about this training because I know what it is, but I feel like some people don’t really understand what that is in terms of AI, because I know that the first few times that people dive into AI.
And they ask it a question like, first of all, uh, chat, GPT lies. Like, I just feel like everybody should understand this. Like you ask her a question and sometimes what she gives you is absolute bullshit that makes no sense. And you’re like, what? Like, how is that relevant to what I asked you? If they, if it doesn’t know an answer, it tries its hardest to give you an answer.
And so sometimes that answer is like. Okay, maybe. And other times it’s like, are we speaking the same language? Like I’m speaking English. Do you understand English? That kind of thing. So the thing about that meta caught my eye when you were talking about it was when you said you don’t have to train it as well, because it already, I mean, Instagram, I I’ve been on Facebook, but like my personal, like, I don’t, I don’t know that I’ve used my personal Facebook as much as most people, but in particular for Instagram, I’ve been using it for my business for years.
So I do feel like. It has a lot of posts. I have talked in my natural voice like it should know that I love to cuss. It should know that I love Disney. And then there’s just, you know, more nuance things with the language. But a lot of people will ask any kind of AI a question, and if it doesn’t sound like them, if it sounds like shit, if it’s not perfect, they’re like, oh, AI sucks.
Let’s just move on. But the most important part of ai. Just like when you hire an assistant in your business is to train it. So what does that mean? And how does one do that?
Hattie: Coolie. I love that you brought this up because I get so many frustrated business owners coming to me saying, well, I tried it and it sounded terrible.
I ended up editing the whole thing myself. And you know, I could have just done that from the beginning. And I’m like, but did you tell it? Like what your business even does. Did you tell it your, uh, tone? Are you casual? Are you upbeat? Are you professional? Did you give it examples of your writing? Like I would spend half a day probably at the beginning and I would upload old emails that performed really well.
I would upload old captions and I would say, this is my writing style. This is my inspiration. This is who I am. These are the words I use. If you have a brand guide, you can upload that now to chat. Anything that you would give your intern or your marketing director, you give to chat GPT so you can expect a marketing director to come in and be like, all right, Coley.
I’m going to, I’m going to skyrocket your, your marketing and we’re going to do this. But you haven’t told that marketing director anything about you. I didn’t know that you cuss. If I’m your marketing director, you got to tell me that you cuss. You got to tell me that you are colorful and that you love Disney and you have to train anyone that comes into your business.
So you have to train. We have to start thinking of AI as like an assistant, as a marketing director, as a, whatever. You want it to be as a mark, as an operations assistant, and you’re going to have to give it a manual. You’re going to have to give it your SOPs. You’re going to have to give it your emails, your inspiration, and really train it, and instead of six months of training, like a person would probably take.
It’ll take you maybe half a day if you’re very organized and you’ve got your brand voice together. And so, yeah.
Colie: And once you train that one particular AI, it can retain that information for you so that going forward. And I will say that depends on whether or not you have a paid account, right? Does it actually like hold on to that information if it’s not a paid account?
Hattie: Yeah. So now they introduce memory and they introduced. For free accounts, you can now use almost every single feature. The only feature you cannot use on a free account is you can’t create a custom GPT or a chatbot, but you can use other people’s chatbots. So. And it now has a memory. So it will remember, it used to be, we had to take all that information from that chat,
Colie: feed it,
Hattie: upload it, upload it to another chat.
But now it has a memory and it says all the time, every like day or two, it’ll say updating memory. So if you’ve added a new service or a new product, it will remember that. And so the next time you open up a new chat, you just have to say, Remember my business and how I added that new. Sales funnel, order bump, I want to write an Instagram post about it.
And like, you don’t have to train it any more, more other than that initial time, because it has a built in memory now across all the chats, which is chef’s kiss. Beautiful.
Colie: Yes. And I mean, not only do you need to train it, like on your business, what your business does, what your tone is, all of that things, all of those kinds of things.
You also need to give it feedback. I mean, there is almost nothing that I hand off to someone, at least when they’re focusing on my business, that they return it absolutely perfect. It’s like, no, like I’m a photographer. So I will say when I first hired an editor, uh, first session, like I had to send it back like two or three times.
Like, no, you see this one image. You edit it. The, the shadows are too dark for me. This is what I would do. Or this image needs more contrast. So I would go and basically like record a video of myself telling them what was wrong, fixing it, or just showing them how I would have edited it so that they could compare it to what they did so that they could figure out how to get my images more like me without me needing to give them the feedback every time.
And I tell people, you know, I usually had to go through every time I get a new editor, I have to go back and forth like, Forwards on four different sessions, go back and forth, give them feedback. But then after that, when they give it to me, it’s like 95 percent of the way there. And that’s fine if I have to go in and adjust like 5%, but everybody should think about their AI in this way.
Hattie: absolutely. Absolutely. It’s just. Yes, and I love, I love that point that you, yeah, you have to train them and they’ll get there, they’ll get 90 percent of the way or 95 percent and then you come in and you just add your sparkle or maybe you even put in a little, sometimes I’ll put in a spelling.
Mistake because people think that and I’ll get comments like, Oh, I would have caught that. And I’m like, well, I wrote it. So I want that spelling mistake in. So, um, but yeah, it’ll get you 90, 95 percent of the way there, but you really, you have to, you have to train it. So.
Colie: And I recently, I don’t know if it was threads or Instagram, but I saw, um, somebody that we both know, but she put on their own.
No, I read something from a client this morning and I knew that AI had written it because it used the word delve. I was like, I actually don’t use the word delve naturally. Oh, yeah. Delve, like we delved into that. Yeah. I, I was like, okay, so there are like particular things that someone says, or that someone would never say that AI uses that word, like enhancing.
I really want to never hear that word again. Have you seen, does it spit it out for you? I swear, like every other thing that chat GPT sends me is like enhancing, enhancing, enhancing. And I was like, please never use that word again.
Hattie: I have to say stop using unlocked or stop using boost or stop using LA.
Everything is like unlocked boost. And sometimes I have to tell her to stop yapping. So you mentioned that ChatGPT can lie and, you know, give you all these things. It’s pretty amazing. If you ask me to explain something or like when we were trying to fix, we tried to fix a lawnmower. We tried to fix our solar panel and the windsurfer on the weekend using ChatGPT.
And I just wanted simple layman terms, step by step instructions for people who aren’t electrical engineers. So I told ChatGPT, stop yapping. And immediately the steps, the cohesive steps, we got back huge difference. So you do have to tell it like you were saying, don’t do this. Don’t use these words and stop yapping.
Colie: so let’s kind of move over into advertising because I feel like we all understand that. Hey, let’s get it to ideate some lead magnet ideas for us. Let’s get it to clean up our copy. Let’s get it to help us write these things because it can get you, you know, from stuck to started. And sometimes that’s enough for a lot of people to just get the momentum going.
But specifically when it comes to advertising, Yeah. Like, how is AI helping you with like an ad campaign for one of your clients? What are the ways that you’re using it in order to improve an advertising campaign that you’re managing for one of your clients?
Hattie: Right out of the gates, the biggest thing that AI is helping with is audience targeting.
So meta has just, if you look on the back ends of business ads manager lately, AI is everywhere there and you can even use their AI to help you with the copy. I don’t use their AI for the copy inside business ads manager, but what I will use AI inside business ads manager for is audience targeting and it’s called advantage plus audience.
And it’s basically. AI going out and finding the people who are most likely to buy your product or take that lead or message you, whatever. Objective you’ve decided. And I’m telling you, Oh my gosh, I will test it again. So we used to have to stuff it with interests and like, say you’re running. The latest one we did was we running programs selling to homeschooling parents.
And so we did an audience where we were like homeschooling moms, homeschooling parents, homeschooling kids, like stuffed it with interests. And then we did an audience that was the advantage plus audience, uh, AI. And the leads are. I mean, ai, it, it’s just so much smarter than us now. So, so the interest based, yeah, we were still getting good leads.
It was costing us $3 per lead. But the AI advantage, one, the audience AI was bringing back a dollar, a dollar 50, like almost 50% less cost per lead. And I was just like, oh my gosh. Um, it doesn’t work for everyone. There’s still a few clients that I’ve worked with that a van AI doesn’t. White get the audience placement, right?
But for most of our clients, I’d say 70 percent of our clients, that AI audience targets better than what we can figure out. So that’s the number one way that AI has revolutionized and it’s easier. People don’t have to figure out all those audiences to test, because a lot of the time they can just do, um, the AI audience in the backend of business managers.
So that’s the one main way that I’m like. Whoa, this is amazing. Yeah,
Colie: I mean, and I feel like we should, I want to bring back that the analytics of what you talked about, because yes, you can test many different things, which is basically what it means to run your ads. I mean, you can’t just pick an ad and throw some copy out there and it’s just going to immediately bring you like the most optimal leads.
Like you have to test your copy. You have to test your images, you have to test your audiences, and then you have to look at all the data and be like, okay, what can I tweak to see if I can improve the quality of leads that I’m getting or bring the cost per lead down? You make, you know, 1 tweak and then you test again, and that’s how you’re getting to this place where advertising is literally bringing in all of the leads that you need in your business.
But I mentioned images. So how is AI helping you with your images for advertising?
Hattie: Yeah. So we, you, I use MidJourney a lot. Have you heard of MidJourney? I have, but
Colie: you’re going to have to
Hattie: tell people what
Colie: it
Hattie: is. Yeah. So MidJourney is an image, AI image generator, and it is, honestly, if you can imagine it again, MidJourney can create it.
I’ve created robots in space that are dogs for an ad campaign. You know, it’s creative. Fairies and then we’ve imposed jewelry on them. I’ve created, uh, we worked with an electrician and he didn’t have any really good photos on the west coast of his homes that he worked with, and so we created. They’re all AI generated images.
And then we shot a flashlight for the electrician that, and they were beautiful and moody and the West coast with the trees and we use mid journey a lot because, well, a, I work with a lot of small businesses who don’t have these huge budgets to hire these photographers and these production teams. And so using these AI images, we’re able to still get these beautiful quality shots.
Stop the scroll and be, we’re able to be a little bit more, um, specific or unique. Like if someone comes out with a new jewelry line or a new clothing line, and it’s featuring clouds, I don’t know. I just looked outside, whatever it’s featuring we can do in a day, generate those images quickly, superimpose their clothes in Photoshop or Canva or whatever.
And we’ve got, Pictures to go in an ad campaign. We can also test pictures and images so much faster because we can just create them so we can find the winning ad. Like, Oh, boom, boom, boom. Okay. Those didn’t work. That was a bust. Let’s go again. Yeah, so we use, we use AI for images. We use AI for the copy, the audiences.
I’d say we use AI, and I even use AI to analyze the data too. Like I’ll upload a landing page if we’re doing a lead objective for an ad campaign. I will take that landing page that we’re directing traffic to. That opt in form, screenshot it. And I will ask AI, how can I improve this landing page? I want it to be at least a 60 percent conversion rate.
What am I doing wrong? Or what are your suggestions? It will give me suggestions and spit stuff back. So it, Collier. Every aspect in that process, it’s probably we’re using AI.
Colie: Yeah. I mean, so, and AI images, I do want to say just in case someone is listening is like, yeah, but doesn’t it create hands that have like six fingers, like guys, every image that comes out of the AI.
image creator is not going to be perfect, but again, like it’s a good starting spot. And when you’re talking about running ads where you really do, like, if you don’t think that the image is working well, like every time you go to a stock photography website, like you’re paying for the use of that image, even if you don’t continue to use it for your campaign.
And so I would just imagine it was probably taking a lot of time to go through stock photos and then also money to pay for them. Yes. And then if it wasn’t the image that was like, stop the scroll, you have to basically go back to the drawing board and do it again versus now. It’s kind of like editing a research paper.
You’re like, you’re giving it the parameters. It shows you, it creates an image and you’re like, okay, well, I like this part of it, but can we also do that? And can we also do this? And so then by the end of the process, when you’ve got that image that you’re happy with, you can use it. But then if it doesn’t work, Okay.
Yeah. You can actually go back to the drawing board and just tweak that same image again. If it’s, you know, you want to continue to use that particular one and you just want to try something slightly different.
Hattie: Yeah. And I love it because we see a lot of, you know, user generated content is doing really well.
So we’re able to generate people wearing the products or people trying the product. We’re able to generate a lot of raw. If we don’t want a Style type photo, because that’s not really performing well in ads. We can say we want a bit more raw. Like it just came out of an iPhone. Like the lens is a bit dirty.
You know, you can really manipulate it to get what’s trending right now or what’s going to perform the best for your ad campaign. It’s, it’s awesome. I also love it because I don’t know if you’ve seen, but AI is now scraping. Facebook and Instagram ads. And there’s a whole dot IO website that you can look up ad creatives.
So if you want inspiration for user generated content, for lifestyle, for unboxing, for everything, it scrapes the internet and you can just type in and be like, I need inspiration for a beauty product. I need inspiration for a coaching business. I need to, whatever it is, and they’ll show you ads that. And we can be like, I love that ad, let’s do it.
Or let’s look it up in the Facebook ads library and look at the full ad. And so AI is just. You still, I think people get confused that it’s going to take over all of our jobs, but we still need to know that, you know, what’s hot, what’s working. We still need to know how to analyze the data and ask the right questions.
It’s like when calculators first came out, calculators, I’m sure replaced some things, but it’s really just a tool and you have to know what to put in. You have to know two plus two equals to get the output. So you have to know what to put into AI to get the output you want. And I think that’s important for people to remember.
Colie: Yes. I mean, I totally agree. So going forward, if someone’s like, okay, Hattie, this sounds amazing, but like, I have absolutely no idea where to start. Like what is the lowest lift where someone can be like, okay, I need to give AI a try. Where should I begin?
Hattie: I would say, start with the original ChatGPT, open a free account and just start playing.
Even if it’s simple and you just play with your personal, like, Hey, you. I’ve taken a picture of my kid’s craft desk and said, I only have these crafts today. What can I make using these? Even if it’s just simple things like that, just to get used to. Some people are shocked. Like my brothers do not work in this industry and, and my husband doesn’t either.
And so when I show them just they’re shocked that it talks back so well. So even just using it, just, just. A simple task or taking a picture, you know, the classic one is take a picture of the fridge. I only have this for dinner. My daughter has peanut allergies. What can I make? Um, start small and then You’re writing an email, copy and paste that email, ask Chachubiti can you improve the writing of this email, but keep the same tone and the feeling and the vibe of the email.
See what it does. And take these baby steps, just like how you would outsource little baby things in your business. Always, I think it’s easiest to think of Chachubiti as an assistant. So maybe bring that assistant into your home as a personal assistant first, because it’s easier to just snap a picture of.
a lawnmower that doesn’t work to help you or whatever, than trying to think, oh, how can it help me in my business? And then after she’s doing well as a personal assistant, I would say, just try an email or try an Instagram caption, see what she spits back. Try uploading inspiration, what your business does.
And then the number one thing I say is join some sort of community, find a Facebook group because AI is changing so fast. Look for videos on Tik TOK and, and get inspiration for how other people are using. AI in their world.
Colie: I mean, I think the community aspect of it is important because if someone has created, I mean, as someone who has tech heavy courses and has tech tutorials, I mean, AI is moving way faster than like the CRMs and even air table that I have videos for, but I can’t imagine.
The gut wrenching feeling, like you made a video last week and now it’s completely obsolete. And so I do think that finding a community is probably better than finding someone’s trainings, because chances are, by the time you get your hands on the training, the AI, I don’t know, the UI has changed, or how you talk to it has changed, or something has been improved because it is constantly getting better.
Yeah, I, I have a community.
Hattie: Going to, going to throw it out there for entrepreneurs who want to leverage AI in their marketing to make it easier, faster, and more affordable. And I can say we did chatbots in December, but they have changed so much again that I, last minute, last month, I was like, okay, guys, we’re doing chatbots again.
And we all got on a call, brainstorm chatbots, the buttons had all changed. The capability set all changed because of the free plans now get it. So. We changed what the theme was and it, it, it does just change so fast or people come up with really cute ideas in the community. Like one girl used it for a dating profile.
You’d never have thought of that. So yeah, like just learning from other people, how they’re doing it, I think is just, just so key. And so listening to these podcasts is great too. Yes.
Colie: All right, everyone. I hope that this conversation with Hattie has sparked your interest to use AI more in your business and perhaps your personal life.
So if you are interested in getting started in AI, don’t you worry, I am going to have all of the links in the show notes. That is Hattie’s website, a link to her community, a link to her two chatbots that she mentioned earlier in this conversation. And if you do. Start to use AI in your business. I would love it.
If you would just hop into my Instagram DMs at Koli James and let me know what you think. Hattie, thank you so much for joining me. This was an awesome conversation.
Hattie: Oh, thanks for having me. I love chatting about AI. This is amazing way to start my morning.
Colie: Yes. All right, everyone. That’s it for this episode.
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